Uddannet Fysioterapeut BPt, UCN 2013
Kursus indenfor Modic forandringer
Mt Exam
Sportsfysioterapi, Intro og hofte, Efterår 2019
Uddannet i medicinsk akupunktur
As a student, especially an international one, there are many (new) things to deal with; and even more so when you’re doing a placement.
At Støvring FysioCenter, our primary goal is to create an inclusive environment where everyone feel welcome and valued; be it as a patient, a staff member or as a student.
As a clinical placement facility, we at Støvring FysioCenter have therefore chosen to create this informative page, to make clear some of the framework for your upcoming placement; What you can expect and what we expect from you.
Overall, Støvring FysioCenter is a combination of a training center and a physiotherapy clinic that works both within/outside the public health insurance, which means that in the course of a day there can be anything from the wheelchair user to the gym member, from the newborn baby to the geriatric citizen, from a simple rehabilitation of a knee patient to the complicated pain patient… and everything in between 😊
Our center extends over 1,050 m2 and offers a comprehensive range of facilities and treatment options.
We have, among other things, 12 treatment rooms, one of which is dedicated to our students. Furthermore, we have 3 rooms for teaching classes, 1 bike room, a gym area for training in machines and with weights, changing rooms with bathroom facilities, reception and staff room as well as 1 primary meeting room, which during placements is reserved for our dear students.
We have a highly trained and experienced staff who, among other things, consists of 10 physiotherapists who have more than 100 years of experience combined. We also have 2 secretaries who can help you with booking and registering your patients.
Støvring FysioCenter has 3 co-owners; Thomas, Lene and Karina (see picture right) “rubrik”
Peter V. Svendsen (pvs@stfysiocenter.dk)
If your clinical supervisor is sick, we have other experienced clinicians ready to take over.
With several physios who are used to taking care of students, we are well covered in terms of holidays etc.. We are different, but complement each other really well, which is why you can also expect learning activities “across the board” during your placement.
No matter who you meet, great emphasis is placed on the fact that you as a student should be able to feel safe approaching the clinic’s staff for sparring and supervision, and that there is a clear division of responsibilities in the internship in relation to you and your clinical supervisor (KU).
KU = responsibility for the teaching process
Students = responsibility for own learning, both the process (how) and the result (what). You need to feel that it is OK to tailor the experience to you; both when you cannot take in more, or when you want more patient contact/responsibility.
As previously mentioned, you as a student will have your own room for reflection, clinical reasoning, preparation, etc.; all in an attempt to give you a good learning environment
Working hours: The daily working hours depend on the individual supervisor and which semester you are in; together we always find out how the placement can fit in with your private life, preparation etc.
Bus: There is a bus stop right outside the clinic’s main entrance
Computer: You are expected to bring your own PC if you wish to use one.
Lunch: We have a common lunch break every day at 12.00-12.30. Bring your own food
“Greetings”: At the placement, we say (and preferably with a smile) “good morning” and “goodbye” when you come in and go home – also to the patients you may see.
Website: For more information about the SFC itself, www.stfysiocenter.dk
Hygiene: You must have short and clean nails, and in addition appear well-groomed. Please minimize the use of perfume due to allergy sufferers.
Coffee: We love coffee, so if you take the last of the pot, it’s a really good idea to put a new pot on – feel free to ask for help, it’s not good if your supervisor longs for a cup of coffee, and she then comes out to an empty pot 😉
Mobile phone: Use of a mobile phone is (only) permitted in relation to learning activities. You can use the patients own mobile phone, if needed to film or take pictures of instruction in a given exercise etc..
Nails: Clean and short-cut nails are necessary for both hygiene and treatment reasons; no patients wants to have scratch marks after a manual treatment.
Clothing: Your clothing must be decent and practical, and you must bring shoes for indoor use for hygiene reasons. Training tights and t-shirts may be used, but no visible shoulders or stomach.
The use of a cap/hat is prohibited in relation to supervision and patient contact.
SoMe: Always remember to get the consent of the parties involved for any postings on various social media.
Jewelry: It is ok to wear jewelry as long as you are NOT wearing rings when treating patients
Chewing gum: It is good behavior to spit out chewing gum in relation to patient contact both teaching classes or individually.
Please feel free to write or call if you have any questions. If we don’t answer, please send an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Hobrovej 13b, 9530 Støvring
Telefon: 98 37 38 55
E-mail: post@stfysiocenter.dk
CVR nr.: 37337749